Guestbook Archive for guesbook
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
June 01, 1999
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Arnold <>
from Daytona, Florida
We have been seeking information regarding the Underhill survivors and
families for years--54 of them, in fact--to whom we owe a tremendous debt
of gratitude, and appreciation. Our thanks to Rodger Crum for compiling
all of this information and linking all of us whose lives have been forever
touched by that fateful happening, who are forever linked in all that
is, and all that might have been.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 31, 1999
from Salt Lake City
Just came by to remember my shipmates on this Memorial Day
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
May 28, 1999
Warren F. Szczypiorski <>
from Conshohocken, PA.
Just stoppng by to wish all a healthy & happy Memorial
Day weekend.
Much thanks for publishing the new photo of the
682. It was our pleasure
to send it, we know it's in good hands!
Warren & the crewmen of the USS Gillette (DE-681)
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
May 13, 1999
brian capra <>
from springfield, pa.
I am the grandson of William J. Grady who served on this ship.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 09, 1999
Lawrence Zini <>
from Chicago, Illinois
I am the nephew of Leonard Howard who died the day of the sinking. His
real name was Leonard Frank Zini.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
May 07, 1999
Dorsey Biller, Ohio DESA <>
from Greenville, Ohio
Not Good, Not fine, but what I've seen so far EXCELLENT
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
May 02, 1999
Wallace G. Vinson <>
from Dayton, Ohio
Former crewman of USS Gillettte DE 681. Served in the Asiatic Pacific
Area so I just had to visit!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 01, 1999
Fred R. Long <>
from Grand Coulee, Washington
I was a truck driver in the 96th Quartermaster Co., 96th Infantry Div.
and from an LST saw the sinking of the USS Underhill.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 25, 1999
Michael Joseph Shostak <>
from Marietta, GA
Looked up info for my dad whose brother, Joseph Shostak died on the
Underhill. He last saw Joe when the Underhill was in Cuba - where dad
was stationed. We will proudly share this site with our children. Thank
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
April 22, 1999
Steve Underhill <>
from kansas city, mo
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 20, 1999
Deonne Underhill <>
from Baxter Springs, KS
As you can see, this ship shares my family's last name. I am curious
as to how this ship was named. Was it perhaps named for a relative of
mine? My husband is in the U.S. Navy Reserve and will be fascinated to
learn about your site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
April 18, 1999
David Underhill <Underhill@GTTI.COM>
from Michigan
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 17, 1999
Judith D. Mehrer Gatter <>
from Chesapeake VA
Hi, My grandparents were Richard & Isabelle Hogus. Their son, Richard
E. Hogus was a member of the crew on
the Underhill. I was at the
reunion in '97. It had been a long time since I attended one. I brought
my husband along and joined
my parents and everyone I hadn't seen
in a long time. We both really enjoyed all the events that took place.
My husband is active duty
Coast Guard and was impressed with the
ceramony at the Chapel and at Arlington Cemetary. Even though we will
not be joining
everyone this year, we send our best. One day we hope
to return.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 16, 1999
Maureen Murray <>
from Mass.
Neice of John Murray who died onboard the Underhill...I have a new e-mail
id for any
who want to contact me! This web site is terrific..
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Maybe
Yahoo Search |
April 13, 1999
Brent P. O'Neill <>
from Lexington KY
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 13, 1999
Ron Fulleman <>
I found your site on the guest book of the Mississinewa AO-59 page built
by Mike Mair. I'm working with
him on the reunion of the AO-59.
My father, as Mike's served aboard the AO-59. Your site is very good.
you for your efforts to keep the memory of the Underhill alive. I appreciate
what you've done.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 11, 1999
Stuart Dace <>
from Sullivan, MO
Stanley Dace was my great uncle.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 10, 1999
Dawn Walsh <>
from Kent, Washington
I have been visiting the different veterans related web pages. Come
visit us at our post's new webpage shown above.
Also I have two other
web pages. Dawn & Ed's
Links. And also
Partridge in a Pear Tree Genealogy Network.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Needs More | 5 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 07, 1999
Sandy Adams <>
from North Carolina
312 Pate St., Apex, NC 27502
Read about the web site in Vi's newsletter, though the web site address
was not available I searched and found easily.
Paul Adams'Sr daughter-in-law.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
April 02, 1999
John Lorence <>
from West Chester Ohio
This web page is a fine tribute to the men of the USS UNDERHILL. I
hope vistors will come away from this site (as I have) with a lasting
record of the ship's history, and the devotion and bravery of her crew.
They gave their lives so that others might live. We must remember their
stories, and others like it, and pass it on to future generations so
that we will never forget the sacrifices they made for the freedom we
enjoy today; making this the greatest county on earth. You are truly the
greatest generation. I also would like to extend an invitation to any
veteran of my father's (Ted D. Lorence of Cleveland, Ohio)ship the USS
GREENWOOD DE679 to contact me at the above e-mail address. I am collectimg
information on his ship and others that I will put on display at a local
museum. I also have many pictures of the ship and crew that I would love
to place names with faces. Thank you for your time. John A. Lorence
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
March 26, 1999
Cheri Schuette <>
from Crawford Electric Coop, Bourbon MO
Ruth Dace, wife of Stanley Dace has judged our essay contests several
times. Each year our Co-op sponsors 8 High School juniors to Washington
DC for the Youth Tour. One of the stops on the week long trip is Arlington
Cementary. Mrs. Dace was in our office this week telling me about the
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 26, 1999
jJames Underhill from london, england
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
March 14, 1999
James Winters <>
from Hershey PA
My wife Clarice is a first cousin to Michael Zimmerman. Our information
coming from Madaline Zimmerman Hershberger
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 12, 1999
mark a milanczuk <>
very informitive site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
March 11, 1999
Thomas E. Russell <>
from Spokane, WA
A friend who enlisted with me, Dale Schweitzer, was on the Underhill
when it was sunk. The Japanese "Kaiten" also sunk a tanker, Mississinewa,
as we were landing after a 12-hour patrol of Ulithi.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
March 11, 1999
Madaline R Hershberger <>
from Somerset Pa
This is the ship my brother was on and survived..My niece steered me
to this. My brother is Michael G Zimmerman also from Somerset Pa.. Enjoyed
looking at this ..
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
March 10, 1999
Graeme Underhill <>
from Portsmouth England
Although I am not in the navy many of my family have been involved in
shiping for many years and coming from portsmouth there
is a large
naval pressance it was quite a suprise while surfing and lloking for an
SSN USS Columbia i stumbled accross this site and felt because of my name
sake i had
to become part of the history of the site. i am going
to enjoy surfing this site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 08, 1999
April from
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
March 07, 1999
Duane Clark <>
from Durham NC
Father is a survivor of the USS Underhill DE 682
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 06, 1999
Bill Bayliss USS Daniel T. Griffin DE54/APD38 < > from
West Palm Beach Florida
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 01, 1999
Joan Nicholl <>
from United Kingdom
I'm trying to find my husband's father who was in the US Navy at was
in Londonderry in the March of 1944. His name was Austin and he worn
Gold Rimmed glasses and had ginger hair, this is the only information
I have of him. My husband was named after him Austin is his first christian
name. Can you help?
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 28, 1999
Dianna Richards <>
from Rittman, Ohio
Stanley Dace was my uncle.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 28, 1999
cindy underhill from
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 27, 1999
David H. Wright <>
from Daleville, VA
After hearing about Captain McVay of the USS Indianapolis. I thought
I would surf a bit and do
some reading. I came upon your site. I
am aware that since the 1770's approximately 1 and 1/2 million men
women have given their lives in service of our country. There are hundreds
of stories of our fighting men
and women. I never heared of the
USS Underhill until 15 minutes ago. I am deeply touched again by the
of our friends, brothers, and fathers. My father's best
friend, Roger St.Lewis of
Detroit, Mi. was shot and killed by a
German, the day after the war ended in Europe. Again I am reminded of
families and friends who will go through their lives with an empty feeling.
I was born in 1953 and as such
did not of course ever meet my dad's
friend. It didn't take much to pick up that a part of dad was always
To all who have close ties to the sailors of the USS Underhill,
I am so grateful for the chance of saying, Thank You
for allowing
me to tell you of my great appreciation I have for your friends, fathers,
and brothers who have given their
lives and served so bravely for
the freedoms we enjoy.
David H. Wright, Dalville, VA
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 27, 1999
Elmer J. Jackson Seaman First Class LST991 <> from Santa Clara,
I was there when the Underhill was hit. A torpedo went us and it seems
the Underhill became the next target.
What a memory for a teenager
who just turned 18. I will always remember the sinking and the men in
the water.
To think that could have been our ship. I guess we were
the lucky ones.
5 battle stars on my ribbon.
Is there a reunion
coming up in California. If so please send info to e-mail address.
Jackson, USNR
Jack Jackson
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
February 21, 1999
Grant I Underhill <>
from Blackville N.B Canada
Just surfing around reading about the Underhills and had heard about
the USS Underhill. I found the info very interesting.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
February 18, 1999
Ruth "Vi" Dace <Sullivan,
Missouri> from Sullivan
Looking forward to many visits with you. Pages look great Jay and Rodger.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 09, 1999
Frank & Dot Crum from
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
B | ++ - | O.k. |
Needs More | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
February 05, 1999
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
February 03, 1999
Dave Underhill <>
from Straffordville,On.,Canada
Just stumbled on the site while looking for family related info.I have
quite an interest in WWII history, so it was a treat to find there was
a ship with the family name.It was also intresting to find out why it
had the name.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 28, 1999
Gregory S. Underhill <>
from WI now OK
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
January 28, 1999
S Hunter South <>
from utah
My uncle is Eugene Wagstaff - a survivor - He has lived a long fulfilling
life and has many generations of boys that will survive him. I'm sure
glad he has been around to enjoy his family and friends. We just celebrated
his birthday.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
January 22, 1999
Sharron S. Cook Whitaker <>
from michigan
Great site
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Friend |
January 22, 1999
Tim Underhill <>
from Portland, OR.
Mr. Crum,
Earlier this year, I saw an announcement for the
USS Underhill reunion, and an address and phone number to reply. I called
and told Paula who I was, and that I was interested in information about
the ship. Because I was going to be in NW Florida in Sep. of 98, I told
her I would call her then. We have since had the opportunity to meet,
and she has told me much about the very special crew members and their
families, who have kept the history of this unique ship going. And she
also told me about your web site, which my wife Anne found last week.
I do happen to be in the US Navy. I'm a Cryptologic Technican 2d Class,
or " CT". In WWII they were referred to as " radiomen" or " special
radiomen", but they did the same very important job of intercepting and
decoding electronic signals. My wife Anne was also a "CT" student here
in Pensacola before we were married, and my dad was a QM 3d Class in WWII.
He served on an escort carrier ( CVE 110), the Salerno Bay, performing
escort duty accross the Atlantic. His ship later went throught the Canal,
and was in San Diego, waiting to be part of the final envasion of Japan,
when the war ended. I've told other family members of your site, and will
continue to check on it from time to time. I don't have a computer of
my own right now, but you can still reach me at my e- mail address until
FEB 01 99. I'll soon be leaving here for my next duty station aboard
the USS Fife, ( DD 991 ), in Everett, WA., where Anne and I will be for
the next three years. If you'd like sir, I give my forewarding address
which you can utilize, after 10 FEB 99. Thank you for the effort you
have put into this site and helping to perpetuate the history, and lives
of the brave crew of the Underhill.
CTR2 Tim Underhill, USN
909 West Mall Dr. # 1106
Everett, WA. 98208
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 21, 1999
Plank owner on USS Goss, DE 444, GM 2/c, LUZON,
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 19, 1999
James H. Timberlake III <>
from Alexandria, VA
My father, James H. Timberlake, Jr., was an officer aboard LST-991 when
the UNDERHILL sank. They were transporting troops from the 96th to Leyte.
LST-991 was almost sunk when one of the Kaiten sub's passed right below
it. It seems the sub changed it's course for the larger UNDERHILL. The
sub pilot accomplished his goal and sank the UNDERHILL. My father's ship
rescued many of the survivors. In the log of survivors there is another
Timberlake, Joe H. Timberlake (not sure of any relation). Many brave men
lost their lives that day.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
January 16, 1999
Jerry A. Wagner <>
from Kingston, Tenn.
My uncle John Edwin Wagner was killed on the Underhill. My father his
brother, Franklin J. Wagner was
aboard one of the LST's. Neither
knew which ship they were on. My father watched as his brother's
went down. He still has problems dealing with this today.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 15, 1999
Fay Eaton <>
from Electric City, WA
Very interesting. Good job and well prepared.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
January 15, 1999
Anne Underhill <>
from Lyman, Wyo
I am also part of the ever-growing Underhill family. It is nice to
see that someone cares enough to post this information!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
January 12, 1999
Jim Crumb <>
from Ammon,Idaho
Rodger came to see your web page.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
January 09, 1999
Nancy Seaver <>
from New Jersey
I am the Niece of William Kreider, who was aboard the LST768
the Underhill sunk in 7/45. He asked me to check out this web site for
him and I printed all the copies for him.
He enjoyed reading all of
the information. If anyone is interested in contacting him, you may do
so by Emailing me
( and I will forward your mail
to him.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
B | +++ | O.k. |
Too much | 10 min | Maybe
Friend |
January 06, 1999
Micahel Scott Zimmerman <>
from Boswell, Pa / Indianapolis, In
I am a grandson of one of the survivors left aboard the USS Underhill,
Michael G. Zimmerman. I have heard him talk about the ship and the sinking
of it. I am very thankful that he survived the incident, otherwise, I
wouldn't be on this earth today. I think you have a very nice site. the
pictures are especially nice, being I am not old enough to remember any
of those types of ships. One thing i didn't like however, was the time
it took to load the graphic and the news articles. the grapic should have
been it's own page and the articles should have been typed in instead
of actual scanned articles. These are just my opinions however. I will
tell my childern and my grandchildren about the stories of the USS Underhill.
Thank you for the webpage.
M. Scott Zimmerman
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
C | + - - | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 06, 1999
Jim George <james/>
from Chicago, Illinois
I served about sister ships (USS Parle DE708 and USS Daniel Joy DE585).
While not the most glamorous ships afloat, they were workhouses and I
loved them both.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 05, 1999
Theresa Torres <>
from Houston, TX
This is to correct the e-mail address for the message below.
appreciate any info on survivors of the USS Indianapolis
and if anyone
knew William "Sonny" Kronenberger. Thanks.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 29, 1998
Theresa Torres <TMT1125>
from Houston, TX
I was looking for information on the USS Indianapolis when I saw your
page. It is very nice. I lost a great uncle on the Indianapolis named
William Kronenberger. I was born 7 years after he died, but I think of
him and appreciate the sacrifices he and other Navy men made during WWII
for our freedom. You are not forgotten.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 25, 1998
Edwin L. Hollins <L> from Holmes Beach, FL
Served on DE 316 USS Harveson USCG.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 24, 1998
Tammy Zimmerman/Zehner <>
from Somerset, Pennsylvania
Your site is fantastic! My father was a survivor of the USS Underhill.
I was looking to find information that he may enjoy reading about his
ship when I found this site. My father's name is Michael G. Zimmerman
and is listed on your register as a survivor. If anyone would like to
contact my father, you may send mail to him at: 630 Barnett Road, Boswell,
PA 15531-3004. He recently had triple bypass surgery (12/18/98) and
would enjoy hearing from any of his fellow shipmates, families or friends
as he recouperates.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 24, 1998
John Underhill <>
from Indiana
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 22, 1998
Cliff Watts <>
Looks shipshape to this old tincan sailor.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 20, 1998
Jeff CH Underhill <>
from Sterling, CO
Very nice site. I had heard that there was a ship of my namesake, and
just went looking for it on the web. To the families of those who died
fighting for their country, I am proud to call myself a fellow-American
of such heros. God Bless and Comfort.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 17, 1998
ron scott <>
from Temple,Tx
Thanks for all the info. My brother Harold M. Scott [Scottie] was serving
on the Underhill. If anyone could give me some history on him, I would
appreciate it.
Thanks, Ron
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 14, 1998
Tony DiGiulian <>
from SE Pa
Just looking for Association/Reunion Information to add to my webpages.
I have data on your 1998 reunion, is there a new one in planning? If
so, send me a note or visit the website and leave a message at the "Tony
D Ship Reunions" page. I see that we don't have your webpage listed in
our links section, I'll get Guy to add you in.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 14, 1998
Georgia Wellman Newcomb <>
from New Haven, CT
This site is such a gift to my family esp. my sisters and myself who
never had a chance to know our grandfather, Robert Newcomb. This Saturday,
Dec. 19, 1998, my grandmother Georgia M.S. Newcomb will turn 102. She
is as amazing as ever even with her now failing eyesight.
I have
bookmarked the Underhill webpage and look forward to checking in from
time to time. Thanks again.
Georgia Newcomb
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 10, 1998
Don M. Jackson <>
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
December 09, 1998
Tracy Gage <>
from USS Gillette, DE681, Binghamton, NY
Excellent representation. Good pictures, and quality layouts. Expect
to check back. Much here.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 08, 1998
David H. Lippman <>
from Newark, New Jersey
Very interesting page indeed. I'll be using this material for my little
WW2 project, which is listed above.It's a day-by-day history of WW2.
and criticism are welcome at
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 08, 1998
Ken Skipper <KSki2443@AOL>
from PCE 872
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 26, 1998
Terri Houglin (daughter of John Houg(h)lin) <> from Louisville,
Roger and Jay...
I was visiting the site as I often do, and discovered
the survivors list. Thanks for posting it! It means alot to me and my
children to have my father, John D. Houglin (misspelled Houghlin) on the
list. This is a vital part of our nations and family history. God bless
you both for this opportunity to say "Hey, we are PROUD to be an American!"
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 24, 1998
J Underhill Schild <>
I just want to find out about my last name,and I did a little too.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 24, 1998
larry case from
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 22, 1998
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 18, 1998
Marjorie Newcomb Asciolla <>
from Providence RI
My Grandmother, Georgia Smith Newcomb, the widow of Commander Robert
Newcomb of the USS Underhill, will celebrate her 102nd birthday on December
19, 1998.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 18, 1998
Jim Condon Sr <>
from Wallingford, Ct
Fine Web Page and lots of back a lot..Smooth Sailing..Jim..
Op. Meridith DD and DE441
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 11, 1998
Eugene Wagstaff < > from Salt Lake City Ut
I just came by to remember my shipmates on this Veterans Day. This is
a great tribute to them. Thanks to you Rodger and Jay.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
October 28, 1998
Edward Todd Farrand <>
from Bloomingdale, New Jersey
Nice web site... tell Jay he did a fine job! Talk to
you soon. Todd
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
October 27, 1998
Doreen Tampke Williams <>
from Dallas, Texas
My Dad Howard Tampke was the Gunnery Officer under Nathanial Benchley
and witnessed the sinking of the Underhill because his ship was part of
the Convoy. He is mentioned in N. Benchley's story Sorry No Ice Cream.
My Dad is a healthy 79 and I will certainly print as much of this information
for as possible.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | ++ - | Fast |
Needs More | 5 min | Maybe
Just Surfed Around |
October 23, 1998
from Florida
this page is pretty kool
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 18, 1998
James Moran <>
from Carl Junction, Mo
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Other... |
October 13, 1998
Bernard Samstag <>
from Pittsburgh, PA/Culver City, CA
First Ship was the USS Goss (DE-444) in 1950. Transferred to
Toledo (CA-133) 1952 until 1953. Lost contact with everyone
one person (Leon Erickson, RM2). Haven't heard from
him in years.
Where does everybody go?
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 28, 1998
Kenneth Underhill <>
from Saskatchewan
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 19, 1998
Bud Wood <>
from Mass.( originally)
Served on Underhills sister ship 683 Henry Kenyon. The run Underhill
got sunk on was originally scheduled for the Kenyon. We made almost all
of the same POC with the 682.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
September 18, 1998
Patrick Hardy < > from Lawrenceville,
I am the Grandson of Stanley W. Dace, Chief Boatswains Mate on the U.S.S
Underhill at the time of her sinking.
I am so proud to say that I
am related to one of the brave men who servered on the Underhill. I come
to this site often
just to see the memories. I am also a Multimedia
developer. I have talked to my Grandmother Vi Dace about creating an
Underhill website. Not to out do or take the place of this site, but only
to compliment it. I have read most ot the
comment and a lot of people
have asked for more info. Please let me know what you think. I will be
visiting Vi in
November for Thanksgiving. My family and I have gone
back every year since my grandfathers passing almost 4 years ago.
can also be reached at this e-mail address:
or I can be reached at 678-947-9404 (day).
Thank you for your time.
This is a GREAT website!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 13, 1998
David L. Underhill <>
from Murfreesboro, Tennessee
I was doing a little research into my name, and was very surprised to
find a destroyer with the same name! I thought the web site was excellent
and in very good taste. Thank you for making this available!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
August 31, 1998
i SAW YOUR ADDRESS IN April DSEA NEWS I served aboard the USS EARL
K. OLSEN DE 765 10 JAN 55 TO 24 OCT 57 Iwas an EM3 .Ijust found out she
was scrapped in 73.So long ED BOHMANN
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Maybe
Yahoo Search |
August 31, 1998
Mitch Underhill from North Carolina
I never knew about the USS Underhill until now! Thanks!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
August 30, 1998
Frederick A. Niepp, Jr. <Neoniepp @> from Pittsburgh, PA
I have reviewed this site many times in the past three months. It brings
back many memories of my tour of duty on the USS Durik DE666 1945-46 .
I salute those brave sailors that went down with the Underhill and those
that survived. May their sacrafice never be forgotten! It seems today
that few Americans realize or understand the price paid for their freedom.
Thank everyone for their contributation to this site. I will return often!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 12, 1998
Michael L. Underhill <>
from Paddock Lake, Wisconsin
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 09, 1998
John Miller <>
from Pennsylvania
Very cool. I love ships of war. So this was a very good page.
it up!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 09, 1998
RD Nordeng <a&>
from Wis.
My stepsons last name is Underhill and I was looking for a new e-mail
address. I found your site and was thrilled by all the information and
facts I learned. Thank you Roxann
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 07, 1998
Kenneth I. Austin <>
from Kansas City, MO
Nephew of Kenneth I Austin Killed on the USS Underhill. Son of Linden
J. Austin also WW2 Navy Vet.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 06, 1998
Claudio Terto <>
from Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
Congratulations. Thanks God people like you keep the memory and history
alive. Thanks for the site!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
August 04, 1998
Richard (Dick) Graves <>
from Grass Valley, California
Good Page. USS Rall (DE304) is now installing a web page.
See our feature of links to other DE's..
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 04, 1998
Cynthia Hollingsworth <>
from Cambridge, Ma.
I signed your book about 5 months ago
and the whole page looks soooo
better now!
Gives more meaning to the picture!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 01, 1998
Fred R. Long <>
from Grand Coulee, Washington
I was a truck driver in the 96th Inf. Div. and witnessed the sinking
of the U.S.S. Underhill from the deck of an LST.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
August 01, 1998
Kathy (DeAtley) McDaniel <>
from West Chester, Ohio
My father Harold R. DeAtley was a crew member on the U.S.S. Underhill.
I have always wanted more information than he was willing to give. I
have looked for a long time and this is the first time I have been able
to find ANYTHING about this ship. What a WONDERFUL find I have made.
I will be back. I just wish my dad had lived long enough to enjoy this
also, (he died in 1985). He would have been proud to have been so honored
with the eyewitness accounts from the other ships, of his ship. His one
comment about being on board a destroyer in war times was "it's no place
for a 45 year old man to be". He admired all he served with, and missed
all who died on that fatefull day. It was painful for him to talk about
most of the time so I never knew too much about it. One thing I did know
was the ship was blown up on my mothers birthday, and she said she heard
something about it on the radio before she went to work and it was several
hours before she heard any more about it. What a birthday present. Anyway
my dad was one of the survivors and I would like to thank all who helped
all of the men who survived, and everyone who helped make this page available.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
July 31, 1998
Hal B Allen <>
from South Carolina
I am researching this website for a crewman James Cannon, and printing
the site as he does not have access to the Internet. James ask me to do
this after returning from the July 24 reunion. I am Retired Army, but
James and I are coffee buddies. Personally, I think this is and should
be recognized as a true distinguished memorial to those who served on
The USS Underhill and who made the supreme sacrifice. A super site.
B. Allen, Sr. SFC E-7
US Army Retired
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Friend |
July 31, 1998
Christina N. Underhill <>
from Jefferson City, Missouri
This is a wonderful sight! I am part of the Underhill family, and I
enjoyed reading about the U.S.S. Underhill!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 29, 1998
Tony Maio <>
from St. Francis, WI
Finally got to reunion through my son Mark. Should have attended sooner.
Looking forward to next year.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 28, 1998
E L Wagstaff <DESalty@AOL.COM>
from Salt Lake City Ut
It is always a great feeling to remember the Underhill
A shipmate
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 26, 1998
AMEC (SEL) Ed Weil <>
from North Canton, OH
nice page, How can i get a wav of the "Navy Hymn"?
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
July 25, 1998
from Schenectady, NY
Found it in DESA News. Great page! Was a sonarman 3/c aboard the USS
Robert F. Keller DE-419 during the Korean War, check out pictures of 419
on hhtp://
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 16, 1998
mike miller <>
from Ontario Canada
thanks for great info,....always searching wrecks of
passenger and
war service.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 12, 1998
Chuck Burris <>
from Vancouver, Wa.
the longest day in my life,7-24-1945. I was a gunners mate on the 3"50
on the PCE 872 and have wanted to contact someone from the Underhill
for fifty years.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 02, 1998
don adams <>
from temple,tx
i seen on intertnet, somewhere, that i can get a copy of
my records,
every thing that is in my file . the reason i
need this , is my marriage
where and when . where my wife was from, her date of birth . ihave not
seen or heard from her since 1956 .also my 16month old daughter at the
time .i am trying to find my daughter,she is 43 now.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 25, 1998
paul abrahamian <>
from newington,conn
uss jaccard de355 pacific RM3/c 8 reunions with crewmembers. 5/38"
WGT 3TT 24knots J C BUTLER class
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
June 21, 1998
Leon L. Lundquist <>
from Minneapolis, MN
http:// None
We were to go into Leyte Harbor, refuel and go back to Okinawa..We hit
one of the sonar bouys between Dinagat and Tacloban and it went thru are
port screw damaging it. We radioed in and the Underhill was asked to take
our place. Unfortunately, the Jap Sub 105 with her human guided torpedoes
got the Underhill.
Our ship was the U.S.S. Leslie L.B. Knox-DE-580
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 20, 1998
charles <>
from r.i
heard about this in local paper...where high school kid got captain
cleared of charges on arisona ship
because he did not know about japanise
subs beacause of radio message....
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Needs More | 5 min | Maybe
Just Surfed Around |
June 19, 1998
Erin Patrice Underhill <>
from Newton, Massachusetts
Just browsing.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 15, 1998
Mike Sisco <>
showing off your homepage to fellow workers
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
June 13, 1998
strubles <>
from venice,fl
nice tribute to the sailors that perished on the U.S.S. UNDERHILL
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 12, 1998
John E. Jolly <Jollybabe> from Memphis, Tenn.
Read the story of the Underhill and was stunned by the courage of so
many men...I served on DD829 Myles C.Fox as a sonarman 1945-46. Thank
God for the inspiration of your web-site. It will bring inspiration to
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Needs More | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
June 08, 1998
Tim (T.J.) Gibson <>
from Louisville,KY (PRP area)
Great page! I was doing a search on the U.S.S. Underhill when I stumbled
upon this page, my grandfather was on the Underhill. Thanks for posting
the info for others to see.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 03, 1998
Ralph F. Freese <DESAUSA@aol>
from Executive Administrator DESA
Great that you have this WEB. Try our--its still being worked on.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 02, 1998
mike from louisiana
father served on de31 sederstrom 44 till end of war he said he
attempted rescue of men on board ship struck by kamikazi sometime
may 45 he died jan this year
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Needs More | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
May 26, 1998
Jon Parshall <>
from Minneapolis
Nice page, Rodger!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 24, 1998
Megan McMullin <>
from Sullivan, Mo
I am Stanly Dace's granddaughter, and Jeffery Jones, a grandson, did
some research, on the USS Underhill. On Memorial Day. We are pleased to
find the info. that we needed. Thank you.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 22, 1998
Curt Underhill <>
from Jefferson City MO
Had no idea there was a USS named with my name
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 19, 1998
MMCS Joseph Fuller <>
from Woodbury NJ
I take my hat off to all who served during the big wars.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 13, 1998
Corbin Dick <>
from Fairport,NY
served on DE 527 and DE 304
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
May 13, 1998
Edward William Underhill <>
from Arlington,TX
Enjoyed my visit to more history of the Underhill family. Although I
was lucky enough to see no real acton during my stay abord the USS Pine
Island (AV12) from 2/65 to 2/67 there was always a tension in the air.
I can only day dream about what must have been big time tension durnig
WW2 times.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 12, 1998
from CONN.
Like your homepage. Served on DE441 KOREA. DD890 1945. Amphibs before
t hat.
Found you thru DESA paper this month. All the old Tin Canners
should have a computer.. :>)
Smooth Sailing..will visit quite
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 12, 1998
William Tolowitzki <hkxl23a@prodigy>
from Olmsted Township,Ohio
USS.Tomich DE 242 Found in DESA news
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
May 11, 1998
Mark Maio <>
from Alpharetta, GA
My father, Tony Maio, served on the Underhill and was among
survivors when she was sunk.He enjoys keeping up with
all the information
being compiled. Although he does not have
access to the internet and
asked me to find this page for him,
he plans on visiting his local
library to make his first
journey into the net.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 09, 1998
john r. arnold <>
I Served on the GUNASON DE 795 & AM A PLANK OWNER.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 09, 1998
George Gorman <>
from CT DE-666
Keep up the good work!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 07, 1998
E. Henning <lehenn> from Nebraska
Love readinfg about the old ww2 DE's
Was on the Cooner DE172
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 07, 1998
Clifford Lee Roy Eichler II <>
from Clifton, Virginia
Just searching for Naval History information and came across your page.
Looking for information on LST 640 or it may hav been LST 460 which my
dad was on when it was sunk. He survived and is a great father and proud
American. I served in the Army and flew helicopters in Viet Nam. Thanks
for your work in setting up this important part of history. Thanks.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 07, 1998
George Magera <gem202@aol or> from Mullins,
Found the web site in DESA News.
Served aboard The USS Peiffer,
Our 49th reunion will be held in Albany, NY 7/25/98.
a good friend in Mullins who survived the sinking of the Underhill. James
Cannon is his name. He will be excited to hear you have a web site. Keep
up the good work. Wish I had enough knowledge to produce a website for
the USS Peiffer.
Best and "73" ...George
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
B | ++ - | O.k. |
Needs More | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
May 07, 1998
Norbi H. A. B <comelia@po.jaring>
from Malaysia
Is okey.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 06, 1998
Martin H. Kerns <>
from Richmond,Va
The current issue of DESA lists your Website.
I was a radar operator
on board the USS KEY ( DE-348 )
June 44' to Dec 45'
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 06, 1998
Mike Sussman <>
from scottsdale,az (originally NJ)
Saw article in DESA News. RM2/c WW2 USS Reuben James DE153 and USS
Durik DE666
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 06, 1998
Richard H Johnson <>
from Cushing Maine
Served on USS Heyliger DE 510, USS Taluga,USS Colleton,USS Skowheagan,USS
Tidewater,USS Timbalier,USS Statler got your Web fm DESA News think you
Web is excellent
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 05, 1998
Fred Davidson <>
from Fort Dodge,Iowa
DE60/APD 42
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 04, 1998
Michael W. Towne <>
from Alfred, Me - 04002
Am looking for info on DE684. Friend of mine served on the
and would loike to get info for him.
Mike Towne
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 30, 1998
Glen A. Veil <>
from Pascagoula, MS
Trying to get information about my father Glen W. Veil, USN, killed
during WWII
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
April 29, 1998
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 29, 1998
from Chalmette, LA
My Grandpaw - Joe Woods was on the Underhill...and we have attended
quite a few of the reunions.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 28, 1998
Alan T. Combs <>
from NY
Your web page is a fine tribute to the men of the USS Underhill.
I am a direct decendant of the Underhills plus a disabled vet. Its a pleasure
to read more and more about my family. Thank you.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
April 25, 1998
j gant <>
My dad was shipwrecked on the uss urgoway, if the spelling
is correct.
he was in the european theatre
can you give me any information on
this ship.
If you cant, thank you gor your time
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
April 24, 1998
Charlie Manfredi <>
from Oakhurst, NJ
Great page-enjoyed reading the many guestbook entries.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 16, 1998
Vernon P Norton <>
from Missouri
very interesting
served on U.S.S.Mills DE383
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
April 09, 1998
Eugene L Wagstaff EM/2C <>
from Salt Lake City Ut 84109
I was one of the lucky survivors of the Underhill and this is my favorite
web page. Would like to hear from any of the Old Shipmates.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
April 08, 1998
Kurt Hanisch <>
from Bloomingdale UMC
Hi Rodger! I heard your talk on Monday night at the UM Men's
Very interesting! I would have to say I learned
about things I had
no idea happened (i.e. Kaitens). Thanks
for speaking with us.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 06, 1998
I am interested in getting in touch with any Underhill survivors and
to learn about reunion events. I was the radio technician on the ship.
I last attended a reunion at the organ installation at Annapolis.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 05, 1998
Joseph Kaeser <>
from Bethlehem, PA
very informative
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 02, 1998
CDR Paul W. Faulhaber USCG Ret. <>
from Cleveland, OH
Very well done web site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
April 01, 1998
Ronald B. Scott <>
from Temple, TX
Thanks for the information on this page concerning the U.S.S.
My brother, Harold Max Scott, was one of the
casualties of the Underhill.
If anyone has scanned photos
or documents of the Underhill, I would
be grateful if you
would contact me at the email address above. Thanks!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Maybe
Other... |
March 27, 1998
Belle Underhill <>
from Corpus Christi, TX
Very interesting and informative.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
March 25, 1998
Cynthia hollingsworth <>
from Massachusetts
I found "you" as part of the many interesting links of
Page" - we are friends.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 24, 1998
LT Timothy R. Eichler, CHC, USNR <>
from San Diego, California
I was just surfing through a variety of Navy pages and stumbled
your page. It brought back memories of the memorial serive
that I
put together for the UNDERHILL, July 1990 at the U.S.
Naval Academy.
I was the Chaplain who performed the service.
I was struck then as
I am today at the honor, courage and
commitment of the men of the
UNDERHILL. During that service
and following at the banquet I met
several of the crew and
their families. Though names have not stayed
with me over
the years, that evening still rattles around my head
time to time. As I said then and will say today THANK YOU
YOUR SACRIFICE. Your gift of freedom is truly appreciated.
Take Care
and God Bless!
Chaplain Tim Eichler
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
March 22, 1998
from n. plainfield, NJ
been here before,,, was plankowner on USS GOSS DE444... JUST WONDERED
BY -- FDR Jr. during pacific campaigns.
His crew loved him...he
was a hotshot
Keep up the good work this is a great site
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | ++ - | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 18, 1998
Karly Vaughn from
I came to this place because I am studing it in school (IT helped
out a lot!!!!!!)
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 17, 1998
Robert A. Ross <TFHarp
@> from Wall Twsp, NJ
Searching for info on DE 165 USS Parks. Was crew member in 1944-46.
Am reunion coordinator.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
March 14, 1998
Richard H Johnson <>
from Cushing Maine 04563
Entered US Navy 1943m 14 yrs of age, served on USS Taluga AO 62, USS
Colleton,USS Timbalier, USS Skowheagan, USS Heyliger DE 510.04-16-'45
USS Taluga hit by suicide while I was on her. Am State Commander of Veterans
of Underage Military Service.Enjoyed your cyber pages and wish you the
best of luck. Dick Johnson.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
February 18, 1998
Harry A. Polon <>
from Conneaut Lake, Pa.
I'm still searching. I remember my father mention the H. F. Bowers (not
sure about the spelling). After more searching the WEB I found a DE 637,
Bowers. Any information, please E-Mail.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 17, 1998
Don Goodhart <>
from Sarasota ,Fl
Vey interesting. VT(N)91 Bonie Dick May 45 to Sep 45.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
February 12, 1998
John Paul Somnitz <>
from Melrose, NY
I am a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy.
A friend of mine Don
Kruse was on the Underhill when she sank.
He is a great man and I
wanted to learn about the Underhill and the other
great men that
made up her crew
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 12, 1998
Harry A. Polon <>
from Conneaut Lake, Pa.
Shortly after leaving a comment, I found some information on DE 1025
Bauer. This is not the ship. My father served, I think in the South Pacific
during WW II. This ship is too new. Now I'm not sure what ship he served
on. His name was Alfred Polon and I remember he said he was a cook. Please
help if you can.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
February 12, 1998
Harry A. Polon <>
from Conneaut Lake, Pa.
I'm looking for information on DE 1025 Bauer. This is the ship my father
served on. He is gone and would never share any information. I would appreciate
any information. Thank You.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
February 07, 1998
John M Newcomb <>
from my Cousin Marjorie(Peggy) Newcomb
Commander Robert Maston Newcomb is(was?) my Grandfather. It is so gratifing
to see the memory of the Underhill and its crew is being perpetuated here.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
February 04, 1998
1958 TO 1960
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
February 04, 1998
James R. Suessmann <>
from Paterson, New Jersey
Keep up the good work.
I look forward to reading
about the Underhill!!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 25, 1998
Henry A. Lord Jr. <>
from Massachusetts
Son of deceased enlistedman, killed in action on Underhill.This is
the first time it occured to me to look on theWeb. My congratulations
for a job well done, Thankyou.PS-I have ship photos and some simple documents
if you want?
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 19, 1998
steven wolski <>
from mass.
I served on the Hyman dd732 in New Orleans in 1965. I was a TM3
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 19, 1998
duane a. donecker <>
from imperial beach ca
outstanding page, im a carrier sailor myself but love naval history,
if you get a chance visit my page, not the best but i like it
take care,
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Friend |
January 19, 1998
Stardate21 <>
from NC
I run a Star Trek based simulation group on AOL. Tim, one of our ships
captains from Louisville,Ky wanted to dedicate his ships web page to the
Underhill and her galent crew, the Underhill is his ship's namesake. We
should have it posted soon, it's address will be
The UASF would like to salute the USN and the Underhill for the ultimate
sacrifice to keep America Free!
Stardate21, Prime Minister of the
aka Adam Griffin in Stokesdale NC where rednecks rule and budwieser
beer cans are accepted yard decor.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
January 11, 1998
Sue <>
from Illinois
My father was on the USS Cogswell. Just like checking out Destroyers.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
January 11, 1998
earl struble <>
from west melford
s$!&% west stockholm n.j. 07460
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Needs More | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
January 03, 1998
Maureen Murray <>
from mass.
My uncle died on the Underhill, i am interested in all the info that
is out there. i also salute the brave men who did such a valiant job.
my uncle was John Murray.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 19, 1997
Steve G. Reinke from Excelsior Springs , MO 64024
I've always wanted to be in the NAVY.
I also want to
try out for the seals
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 19, 1997
Marcus Cosker <>
from Nottingham, England, UK
http:// not designed yet
Pleased to find another COSKER.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 17, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 10, 1997
Gerald M. Underhill <>
from North Carolina
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 10, 1997
Gerald M. Underhill <>
from North Carolina
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 10, 1997
Donald Blum <Windbeam2>
from Scarsdale, N.Y.
I am a survivor of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | ++ - | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
December 10, 1997
Leonid G. Bashkirov <>
from Ukraine
It's a lovely collection at all, no doubt, but, howewer, I've got
lot of questions to discuss with you. If you wanna get
much deeper
into the Underhill/I-53's story, sent me a
message as soon as you
only can. I have more than enough
comments to talk about. Waiting
for your answer.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Maybe
Yahoo Search |
December 08, 1997
Henry J Heintzberger <>
from San Mateo CA
Interested in your web site since I, too, served on DE 147 on Atlantic
convoys in WWII. I am also editor of the Scuttlebutt for Golden Chapter
DESA and am always looking for news stories about DE's. I have seen a
few stories about the Okinawa picket line but have no particular details
on Underhill's last battle. Would enjoy swapping stories with you. HJH
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
December 07, 1997
Amy L. Chasen <>
from Bloomingdale, NJ
This is a fantastic piece of work!!! Great INFO. Perhaps the best
web page I've seen in a while. Keep up the great work & continue to share
all of your knowledge.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 07, 1997
Robert H. Sullivan <>
from Caney, Oklahoma
I think it's great to have a memorial such as this for our warriors
R. Sullivan USAF. 1955-1964
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
December 05, 1997
Zane Handysides <>
from Windsor,Ontario,Canada
I salute the families of the men lost on the USS Underhill
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Maybe
Yahoo Search |
December 05, 1997
hyung nyun Kim <>
from korea , seoul
i want more information.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 25, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 20, 1997
warren f. szczypiorski <>
from conshohocken, pa.
my father served on the uss gillette (de-681), sister ship
of the
underhill, & thru my life, I have never forgotten the
stories he told
me of those times and have passed them on to
my 3 sons--never so few
so proud.
warren f. szczypiorski
1239 woodside rd.
pa. 19428
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 14, 1997
Willis Meade <>
from West Virginia now retired living in Florida
enjoyed your site very much and being a d e sailor myself, (uss sanders
de 40) i especially enjoyed it.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
November 13, 1997
Joe Mason <>
from NC
Former Destroyer sailor, still a fan of all those who served on them.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 11, 1997
Wayne Dong from alhambra,ca
Great website!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 08, 1997
Edward Rahl <ERahl18>
from Woodbridge, VA
Looking for information about the USS Rudderow DE 224. My father served
on baord this ship.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
November 08, 1997
Marjorie Newcomb Asciolla <>
from North Providence RI
I am the Granddaughter of Lt. Cmdr Robert M. Newcomb.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
B | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
November 05, 1997
Phil "the kill" Underhill <>
I didnt realise that a battle ship had been named after me, coooooOOOOooool
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
November 02, 1997
michelle mcqueen <>
from Monroe, Louisiana
I am a high school math teacher, and I am doing a project tomorrow with
my students called, "You will not sink my battleship." I am down-loading
pictures of different WWII battleships to place them in groups! I thought
WWII would be appropriate because my granddaddy Ollie Frank Osborne was
on the Yorktown during WWII. Thanks for the great Picture!!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
October 30, 1997
Richard McIlvride <>
from Metamora, Michigan
Previous contact with Roger. Brother of Bill McIlvride - lost on the
Underhill. Not skilled enough yet to copmplete rating.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
October 30, 1997
cathy & mike battisti <>
from haskell, NJ
great story for someone who never knew this unfortuante part
our history..keep up good husband knew of this
since he
served in NAVY in Vietnam, on the USS MONTICELLO
LSD-35. am looking
for old buddies from said ship..Please
contact us..on e-mail address..served
1965-1969...thanks and
keep up the good work
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 29, 1997
Eric Courier from Waverly IL
I am related to the Crum Family. My grandma Dorthy Crum. Could you
send information on the families coat of arms? My home address is Eric
Courier, PO Box 83, Waverly, IL 62692.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
October 25, 1997
Lane Lanford <>
from Borger, TX., USA
I was very moved by the site. My grandfather was on the USS Rushmore
in WWII, and I am happy that someone is still remembering the sacrifices
that the brave men of that era have made!! Don't ever Stop!! Thank
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 24, 1997
Randy Baker <>
from Durham, N.C.
I know James Clark who was on the Underhill. this is a very nice wed
site. thanks
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 19, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 19, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 17, 1997
c. Duane Clark <>
from Durham N.C.
My father served on The USS Underhill. (James H.Clark) I am very proud
that the history of the USS Underhill will go on on this page.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
October 15, 1997
Irv Rudderow <>
from california
DE 224 USS Rudderow was named after distant relative. I now am looking
at any DDor DE stories on the net . If you have any info on the Rudderow
would like ti hear. Thanks
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 14, 1997
Dennis Bacon MS1 USNR (Ret) <>
OUTSTANDING !!! I served on board the USS Gunston Hall
during Vietnam. If anyone knows any body who served on
the "Gunny
Sack" give them my e-mail address.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 10, 1997
Efrem <>
from USS Major DE-796
Right now, 10-10-97 at Best Western Continental in San Antonio, Texas,
the Major's 21st reunion is underway. You can reach the crew at (210)
655-3510. The hospitality room ext. # is ext 284. That is, if anyone
is interested.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 09, 1997
ken huff <dncrnprt@aol/com>
from fl
Would like to see something on USS Raby DE698 and USS New DD818.Thanks
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 06, 1997
Grover C. Haynes <>
from Saluda, NC
GREAT JOB. Wish I knew how to make a web page for our WWII ship, USS
As I e-mailed you, any tech help would be greatly appreciated.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 05, 1997
Michael A Acocella f/1c usn ret <>
from Cedar Grove N.J.
abord USS PC 807 running escort torpedo passed directly
our ship before striking your ship .
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
October 04, 1997
Greg Winkelman <>
from Norwalk OH
My father-in-law served aboard DE-635 (USS England) I
am having
trouble locating info about her on the web, any
suggestions? Great
site, very informative and interesting!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
October 02, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
October 01, 1997
Robert Sayer from Dyess AFB TX
Do you have any information on the Destroyer Escort Historical Foundation.
I am trying to locate information on DE 138 Douglas L. Howard built at
Consolidated, Orange TX. I have ship's log I got from Naval archives.
Hoping for pictures and more war information.
My address is P.O.
Box 9919 Dyess AFB TX 79607
915) 696-3385
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 27, 1997
Felipe Cabrera <>
El que muere en el mar, no muere, desaparece.
Bravo Zulu
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Other... |
September 25, 1997
Mark L. Underhill <>
from Port Neches, Texas
Very good site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 11, 1997
Fred R. Long <>
from Grand Coulee, WA
I witnessed the sinking of the U.S.S.Underhill from the deck of an LST
that carried some of the survivors to the Philippines. I was a truck driver
in the 96th Quartermaster Co., 96th Inf Div.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
September 05, 1997
David B. Smith from Bradenton Florida
I am a WW II buff who has read about the USS Underhill in many books.
When I saw the name I wanted to see what someone had written about her.
GOD rest her soul and the souls of those who died with her.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
September 02, 1997
Lou Antonelli <>
from Cedar Hill, Tx.
Dear Rodger:
Yes, you can use the article. Do you have a copy of
it? If not, send a SASE and I will send a tear sheet. I was a little confused
over your first message because I never have heard Ithiel referred to
as "Airraid". Also, please put your e-mail address in the body of your
message so I can access it easier.
Lou Antonelli
The Cedar Hill
413 Cedar St.
Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104
972 291-5545
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 22, 1997
Lou Antonelli <>
from Cedar Hill, Tx.
Ithiel Worden is a friend of mine and I wrote a story about him when
he spoke at the plaque dedication (I own the local newspaper). I thought
I'd do a little surfing to find out more about the Underhill.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 11, 1997
Cheryl Underhill <>
from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
don't have one
Very interesting.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 08, 1997
Efrem <>
from Culver City, Ca (Heart of Screenland)
I cannot leave inaccuracies behind. The division I referred to in my
1st visit s/b "Escort Division 56" It comprised of 6 Buckley Class Destroyer
Escorts. They were the 68l,682,683,795,796,and the 797. If you read
this, then read the history of this division. The Major (796)
having it's 21st reunion in San Antonio, Texas Oct 10-12, 1997. Information
available from Bob Young at (714) 898-7452. Bob is the reunion coordinator.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 07, 1997
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 1 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
August 03, 1997
Efrem <>
from Culver City, Ca (Heart of Screenland)
Previous visit alluded to ships sharing duty. I served on a DE that
did, in fact, see some of the same seas at a similar time, but did NOT
share the same assignments. My apologies to the shipmates of the USS Underhill,
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
August 03, 1997
Efrem Violin <>
from Culver City Ca
Served aboard USS Major DE796, after it returned to US (1945), and read
about Underhill in "All Hands". The Major was a Buckley Class DE. I
believe the Underhill was, also. The division (#5) had 682-683-684,794-795-796.
The Major will have 21st? reunion Oct.10, thru Oct. 12 '97 in San Antonio,
TX. Call Bob Young (reunion coordinator) at 714-898-7452 for information.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
August 01, 1997
Malia Underhill <>
from Reading, PA
It was cool!!! Especially because of my name being Underhill and yes
Matt is my brother
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 30, 1997
John J. Vogel, Jr. LT, USN, Ret. <>
from Oceanside, California
Great Wed page for historical data
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Perfect! | 5 min | Maybe
Yahoo Search |
July 28, 1997
OS1(SW) David Cumber <QCUMBER@AOL.COM>
from Virginia
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 25, 1997
Matthew Underhill <>
from Reading, PA
Like it, learning more about a ship in the U.S. Navy that shares my
family's name.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 24, 1997
Everett N. Schrader <>
from Utica, NY
Great job. Hopefully, someday, I will find the time to prepare a home
page for my ship
USS Ira Jeffery DE 63/APD44. Good luck.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 22, 1997
Dave Butler <>
from Bloomingdale, NJ
Good Job
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
July 22, 1997
William Moore <>
from Margate, Fl.
I served on the U.S.S. Ulvert M. Moore, commanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Jr. who
was relieved of Command at the beginning of the Okinawa Campaign,
due to the death of his
father, President F.D. Roosevelt. Under another
Commander the ship served to the end of the
war, entered Sagami Wan
outside Tokyo Bay for the surrender, and made one trip to
Japan before returning to the States.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 5 min | Maybe
Friend |
July 17, 1997
Bob Pfeiff, LCDR, USNR <>
from Northern VA
Nice site. Impressive electronic memorial.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 16, 1997
from AUBURNDALE FL 33823
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
July 16, 1997
from AUBURNDALE FL 33823
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 20+ min | Yes!
Friend |
July 11, 1997
Bill Kattowski <>
from Bloomingdale NJ
Great page,you did a fantastic job.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
June 25, 1997
Brian Carpenter <>
from Brisbane Australia
Im ex kiwi navy and your page brought back old memories, very nice,
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Friend |
June 24, 1997
Dave Butler <>
from USS Macdonough DLG 8
Nice job. You got to tell me how you go about setting this up and maintaining
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 19, 1997
Robert Lee Underhill <RandJ U> from Austin, Texas
When my dad died on April 10th of 1996, I was given a hat with the USS
Underhill on it. As I was surfing the net, I came across your page.
Thank you for the history lesson.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
B | +++ | O.k. |
Needs More | 5 min | Yes!
Yahoo Search |
June 13, 1997
Keith Rodrigues <>
from India
A good site.
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 10, 1997
John S. Best <>
from Titusville, FL (Born Beaver Falls, PA)
I was just looking around the DE section, (since I am an old DE sailor,
USS Brough DE-148) and spotted the Underhill homepage. Decided to check
it out. Good work more of these are needed!
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | O.k. |
Needs More | 10 min | Yes!
Just Surfed Around |
June 09, 1997
Richard Underhill <>
from UK
Grade | Content | Speed |
Graphics | Visited | Return | Referred by |
A | +++ | Fast |
Perfect! | 10 min | Yes!
Other... |
May 27, 1997
Rose-Mary Walsh <>
from Scranton, PA
I am interested in the Underhill as my uncle, Edward Ponas was one of
the crew that did not survive.
I plan on attending the reunion in
Maryland this year.
The picture of the ship looks GREAT !